This archive lists select past events overseen by Institute Events since the 2013-2014 academic year.

2024 President’s Convocation: Class of 2028
August 26, 2024
President Sally Kornbluth welcomed the incoming Class of 2028 at the President’s Convocation, the traditional welcoming ceremony for MIT’s new first-years.

2024 Killian Award Lecture by Professor Paula T. Hammond
April 9, 2024
Paula T. Hammond, a leading innovator in nanotechnology, was the recipient of the 2023-2024 James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award, the highest honor the Institute faculty can confer upon one of its members.
Tackling cancer at the nanoscale
Paula Hammond wins faculty’s Killian Award for 2023-24

Winterfest 2023
December 12, 2023
President Sally Kornbluth invited the community to mark the change of seasons, enjoy sweet and savory treats, and spend time in the company of colleagues and friends.

2023 President’s Convocation: Class of 2027
August 28, 2023
President Sally Kornbluth welcomed the incoming Class of 2027 at the President’s Convocation, the traditional welcoming ceremony for MIT’s new first-years.

2023 Killian Award Lecture by Professor Peter Shor
March 9, 2023
Renowned mathematician and quantum computing pioneer Peter W. Shor PhD ’85 was the recipient of MIT’s 2022-2023 James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award, the highest honor the Institute faculty can bestow upon one of its members each academic year.
It’s a weird, weird quantum world
Peter Shor receives 2022-2023 Killian Award

Winterfest 2022
December 8, 2022
President Rafael Reif and Mrs. Christine Reif welcomed the MIT community to celebrate the conclusion of the semester with friends, food, and fun.

“Thank you, MIT… Let’s Dance”
September 17, 2022
An all-MIT dance party celebrated the community as President Reif prepared to step down.

2022 President’s Convocation: Class of 2026
August 29, 2022
President L. Rafael Reif welcomed the incoming Class of 2026 at the President’s Convocation, the traditional welcoming ceremony for MIT’s new first-years.
“You are here because you belong here”
Reif welcomes Class of 2026 with Convocation address

MIT Community Picnic
May 6, 2022
President Rafael Reif invited all faculty, staff, and students to a Community Picnic on Hockfield Court. There were sandwiches, sweets, music – and time to relax and reconnect with friends, colleagues, students and teachers. Featured guests included: Cynthia Barnhart SM ’86, PhD ’88, provost, who served as MIT’s chancellor from 2014 to 2021, and Martin Schmidt SM ’83, PhD ’88, provost from 2014 to 2022.

Spring 2022 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture by Martin Baron
April 21, 2022
Celebrated journalist Martin Baron gave the spring 2022 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture titled, “Reality Check: Facts under Assault, Democracy Threatened.”
A stark warning about threats to truth, science, and democracy

2022 Killian Award Lecture by Professor Robert Merton
March 28, 2022
Acclaimed finance expert Robert C. Merton PhD ’70 was the recipient of MIT’s 2021-2022 James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award, the highest honor the Institute faculty can confer upon one of its members.
How to weigh your options
Robert C. Merton honored with MIT’s Killian Award

Winterfest 2021
December 9, 2021
A sweet conclusion to the fall semester for the MIT community featuring seasonal treats.

Fall 2021 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture by Sylvester James Gates, Jr.
September 21, 2021
Theoretical physicist and diversity advocate Sylvester James Gates, Jr. gave the fall 2021 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture titled, “A Physics Faculty Career Retrospective: Research, Teaching, and Service.”
Sylvester James Gates Jr. ’73, PhD ’77 recounts storied career in research, teaching, and service

2021 President’s Convocation: Class of 2025
August 30, 2021
President L. Rafael Reif welcomed the incoming Class of 2025 at the President’s Convocation, the traditional welcoming ceremony for MIT’s new first-years.

Spring 2021 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture by Kwame Anthony Appiah
April 22, 2021
Pioneering scholar of African and African American studies Kwame Anthony Appiah gave the spring 2021 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture titled, “One Way to Think about Racism.”

2021 Killian Award Lecture by Professor Susan Solomon
April 14, 2021
Susan Solomon, an atmospheric chemist, was the recipient of the 2020-2021 James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award, the highest honor the Institute faculty can confer upon one of its members.
Susan Solomon, scholar of atmospheric chemistry and environmental policy, delivers Killian Lecture
Susan Solomon earns Killian Award, MIT’s highest faculty honor

2020 President’s Convocation: Class of 2024
August 31, 2020
President L. Rafael Reif welcomed the incoming Class of 2024 at the President’s Convocation, the traditional welcoming ceremony for MIT’s new first-years. This year’s welcome convocation was virtual and addressed all undergraduates.

2020 Killian Award Lecture by Professor Susan Silbey
February 11, 2020
Susan Silbey, a pioneer in studying popular attitudes toward the legal system, was the recipient of the 2019-2020 James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award, the highest honor the Institute faculty can confer upon one of its members.
Understanding law in everyday life
Susan Silbey earns faculty’s prestigious Killian Award

Winterfest 2019
December 9, 2019
President and Mrs. Reif invited the MIT community to celebrate the semester’s end with friends, food, and fun.

2019 President’s Convocation: Class of 2023
August 26, 2019
President L. Rafael Reif welcomed the incoming Class of 2023 at the President’s Convocation, the traditional welcoming ceremony for MIT’s new first-years.

OneWorld @ MIT Infinite Talent Show & Food Festival
May 11, 2019
From Bhangra to a cappella to salsa, this music and dance talent extravaganza celebrated MIT’s multifaceted community! After the show, MIT community members enjoyed a festival of food and fun, with cultural cuisines, games, DJs, and even a bit of magic.

2019 Killian Award Lecture by Professor Gerald Fink
April 4, 2019
Gerald Fink, an MIT biologist and former director of the Whitehead Institute, was the recipient of the 2018-2019 James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award, the highest honor the Institute faculty can confer upon one of its members.
The evolving definition of a gene
Gerald Fink wins faculty’s Killian Award

2019 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture by Renée Fleming
March 11, 2019
Highly-acclaimed singer Renée Fleming gave the 2019 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture titled, “Music and the Mind.”
Opera star Renée Fleming explores music and minds in MIT talk

Winterfest 2018
November 29, 2018
President and Mrs. Reif invited the MIT community to join their friends and colleagues for refreshments and a seasonal holiday social.

Fall 2018 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture by Thomas Friedman
October 1, 2018
Internationally known author and journalist Thomas L. Friedman gave the fall 2018 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture titled, “Thank You for Being Late: An Optimist’s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations.”

Installation Ceremony of Rev. Kirstin C. Boswell-Ford
September 28, 2018
The MIT community was invited to the Installation Ceremony of Rev. Kirstin C. Boswell-Ford, Chaplain to the Institute.

Used Book Fair
September 25, 2018
The MIT Community Services Office hosted a used book fair. Proceeds from the sales benefited the MIT Community Service Fund, which brings together MIT volunteers and donors to strengthen local nonprofit.

Community Celebration for Ed Bertschinger
September 21, 2018
The MIT community honored Professor Ed Bertschinger as he completed his service as Institute Community and Equity Officer.
Bertschinger to leave post as Institute Community and Equity Officer

2018 President’s Convocation: Class of 2022
August 27, 2018
President L. Rafael Reif welcomed the incoming Class of 2022 at the President’s Convocation, the traditional welcoming ceremony for MIT’s new first-years.

OneWorld @ MIT One Sustainable World
May 12, 2018
One Sustainable World was an evening of food, music, dance, fun, and exploration focused on sustainability.

Spring 2018 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture by Yo-Yo Ma
March 19, 2018
Renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma gave the spring 2018 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture titled, “Culture, Understanding, and Survival.”
Yo-Yo Ma calls for “culture in action” to build a better world
Yo-Yo Ma to deliver spring 2018 Compton Lecture

2018 Killian Award Lecture by Professor Richard Schrock
February 15, 2018
Richard Schrock, a chemist renowned for his pioneering work in organometallic chemistry, was the recipient of the 2017-2018 James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award, the highest honor the Institute faculty can confer upon one of its members.
A lifelong search for new catalysts
After receiving Killian Award, Richard Schrock reflects on a life in chemistry
Richard Schrock wins faculty’s Killian Award

Winterfest 2017
December 5, 2017
President and Mrs. Reif invite the MIT community to celebrate the semester’s end with lunch and seasonal refreshments.

A Gathering to Honor and Celebrate the Life of Paul E. Gray
November 30, 2017
The MIT community and friends were invited to a memorial service for President Emeritus Paul E. Gray ’54 SM ’55 ScD ’60.

Let’s Celebrate Toni!
September 29, 2017
The MIT community honored Ombudsperson Toni Robinson on the occasion of her retirement. Faculty, staff, and students were invited to a reception to thank Toni for her stellar service to MIT.

2017 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture by Professor Ernest Moniz
September 21, 2017
Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics and Engineering Systems Emeritus, Special Advisor to the MIT President, and former U.S. energy secretary Ernest Moniz gave the 2017 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture titled, “Reducing Global Threats: Climate Change and Nuclear Security.”
Ernest Moniz addresses threats of nuclear weapons and climate

2017 President’s Convocation: Class of 2021
August 28, 2017
President L. Rafael Reif welcomed the incoming Class of 2021 at the President’s Convocation, the traditional welcoming ceremony for MIT’s new first-years.
President Reif to Class of 2021: “We are very lucky to have you!”

OneWorld @ MIT Multicultural Festival & Dance Parties
April 29, 2017
MIT community members were invited to a multicultural celebration of food, music, costume, and dance!
MIT community celebrates its many cultures
MIT students plan multicultural festival

2017 Killian Award Lecture by Professor Eric Lander
February 14, 2017
Eric Lander, Professor of Biology and President and Founding Director of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, was the recipient of the 2016-2017 James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award, the highest honor the Institute faculty can confer upon one of its members.
Chronicling the rapid pace of genomics
Eric Lander wins faculty’s Killian Award

Winterfest 2016
December 6, 2016
President and Mrs. Reif invited the MIT community to enjoy lunch and seasonal refreshments to celebrate the semester’s end.

2016 President’s Convocation: Class of 2020
August 29, 2016
President L. Rafael Reif welcomed the incoming Class of 2020 at the President’s Convocation, the traditional welcoming ceremony for MIT’s new first-years.
President Reif to Class of 2020: “All of us together will make a better world”

Lecture by Michelle K. Lee
March 31, 2016
MIT welcomed Michelle K. Lee, Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office to deliver a lecture.

Spring 2016 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture by Christine Lagarde
March 4, 2016
Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, gave the spring 2016 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture titled, “Demographic Change and Economic Well-being: The Role of Fiscal Policy.”

MIT2016: Celebrating a Century in Cambridge
February 29 through June 5, 2016
Throughout the spring of 2016, MIT commemorated a century at its “new” campus. Through academic and celebratory programming, the festivities explored the innovations, advancements, and challenges brought forth by MIT’s historic decision to move from Boston to Cambridge in 1916.
Moving Day at MIT: Celebrating a century in Cambridge
Celebrations planned for centennial of MIT’s river crossing

2016 Killian Award Lecture by Professor Tyler Jacks
February 11, 2016
Tyler Jacks, the David H. Koch professor of biology and director of the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, was the recipient of the 2015-2016 James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award, the highest honor the Institute faculty can confer upon one of its members.
Targeting cancer from many angles
Tyler Jacks receives MIT’s Killian Award

Winterfest 2015
December 10, 2015
President and Mrs. Reif invited the MIT community to celebrate the semester’s end with seasonal refreshments.

2015 President’s Convocation: Class of 2019
August 31, 2015
President L. Rafael Reif welcomed the incoming Class of 2019 at the President’s Convocation, the traditional welcoming ceremony for MIT’s new first-years.

2015 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture by Professor Mario Molina
May 11, 2015
Former Institute Professor and co-winner of the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Mario Molina gave the 2015 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture titled, “Climate Change: Science, Policy and Communication.”

Dedication of the MIT memorial to Officer Sean Collier
April 29, 2015
More than 3,000 people from the MIT community honored the memory of MIT Police Officer Sean Collier with the commemoration of a thoughtfully conceived and precisely engineered monument, dedicated in the officer’s name.
A memorial built “with big hearts, and all love”
Slideshow: Thousands gather for dedication of Collier Memorial
New memorial a labor of love
Collier Memorial dedication and community picnic to honor fallen MIT officer

2015 Killian Award Lecture by Professor Sallie Chisholm
March 10, 2015
Sallie “Penny” Chisholm, the Lee and Geraldine Martin Professor in Environmental Studies at MIT, was the recipient of the 2014-2015 James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award, the highest honor the Institute faculty can confer upon one of its members.
Chisholm sees big impacts from small sources
Sallie “Penny” Chisholm receives MIT’s Killian Award

Winterfest 2014
December 10, 2014
The MIT Community enjoyed the annual Winterfest event.

Fall 2014 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture by Dr. Francis Collins
October 28, 2014
Francis S. Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, gave the fall 2014 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture titled, “Exceptional Opportunities in Biomedical Research.”
Francis Collins: Scientists must engage with the world
NIH Director Francis Collins to deliver Compton Lecture Oct. 28

La Scala Chamber Orchestra concert
October 10, 2014
The La Scala Chamber Orchestra performed a program titled The Eight Seasons featuring the music of Vivaldi and Piazzolla.

Fall Picnic 2014
September 30, 2014
MIT faculty, staff, and students attended a community picnic with the theme, “Our community, together in service”, honoring retiring ombudsperson Mary Rowe, whose MIT career spanned more than four decades.

2014 President’s Convocation: Class of 2018
August 25, 2014
President L. Rafael Reif welcomed the incoming Class of 2018 at the President’s Convocation, the traditional welcoming ceremony for MIT’s new first-years.

Community picnic and rally for the MIT Strong marathon team
April 18, 2014
The MIT community and friends of the Institute gathered for a ceremony to remember Officer Sean Collier. Later in the day, a community picnic and rally for the 2014 MIT Strong marathon team took place.
April 18 events to honor Collier, celebrate MIT Strong marathon team

2014 Killian Award Lecture by Professor Stephen J. Lippard
April 1, 2014
Stephen Lippard, the Arthur Amos Noyes professor in the Department of Chemistry, was the recipient of the 2013-2014 James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award, the highest honor the Institute faculty can confer upon one of its members.
Making cancer drugs better
Stephen Lippard wins faculty’s Killian Award

Spring 2014 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture by Valerie Jarrett
March 14, 2014
Senior White House Advisor Valerie Jarrett gave the spring 2014 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture titled, “Built to Last: Opportunity, and the Economics of Empowerment.”
Valerie Jarrett: Greater inclusion in education drives innovation, prosperity

Welcome Event for Provost Schmidt and Chancellor Barnhart
March 4, 2014
The MIT community welcomed Provost Martin A. Schmidt and Chancellor Cynthia Barnhart to their new positions.

Winterfest 2013
December 16, 2023
President Rafael Reif and Mrs. Christine Reif invited the MIT community to Winterfest, celebrating the semester’s end with music and refreshments.

Naming ceremony for the Memorial Lobby
November 18, 2013
The MIT community honored its armed service members with the naming of the Memorial Lobby. The program included a joint honor guard comprised of ROTC cadets and MIT Police officers, as well as music provided by the MIT Chorallaries and a brass ensemble.

2013 President’s Convocation: Class of 2017
August 26, 2013
President L. Rafael Reif welcomed the incoming Class of 2017 at the President’s Convocation, the traditional welcoming ceremony for MIT’s new first-years.